
Showing posts from April, 2023

Reflecting Back on The Course

Reflecting Back   Reflecting back on the first day of this class, I can now see how much knowledge I lacked about disabled sports. Given that I want to be an occupational therapist working with kids with disabilities, this is a very important aspect in that field. The main topics I have learned throughout the course included the meaning behind the Paralympics , how the media affects the disabled population, the rules and fairness in disabled sports, the special Olympics , and I even got to explore sports events near me for the visually impaired. This course has definitely changed my mindset towards the value of sports for individuals with a disability. I have also gained much knowledge that emphasizes the significance of disabled sports in advancing inclusivity and equality for individuals with disabilities. With disabled sports, it is important to provide inclusivity to provide a sense of being to these athletes. Although we want everyone to be included, there are also certain rules t

Blind Athletes Inc.

Blind Athletes Inc. A local sport club for athletes with hearing or visual impairments is the Blind Athletes Inc. Located in central New Jersey, Blind Athletes Inc. is a nonprofit organization and sports team dedicated to providing athletes with vision impairments with transformative opportunities and supporting their pursuit of excellence. They are devoted to encouraging fitness, friendship, and fun for athletes of all abilities through adaptive sports.  Goalball, tandem cycling, running, swimming, and other sports and recreational pursuits are all available through the organization. These programs are made to meet the special requirements of athletes with vision impairments, giving them the assistance and tools they need to take part completely and securely. The organization offers athletes with visual impairments the chance to thrive in sports, enhance their physical and emotional well-being, and develop social connections through its inclusive and accessible programs.  What is it?

The Special Olympics

Special Olympics vs Paralympics The Special Olympics and the Paralympics are two separate events as of right now. Before reading the articles this week I was unaware that these two were different. Special Olympics is more for athletes of all skill levels with an intellectual disability, cognitive delay, or developmental disability. While the Paralympics is for athletes from 10 categories of physical impairment. Some might argue that people with intellectual disabilities should be permitted to participate in Paralympic events, however I believe the Special Olympics should be kept separate for several purposes. I think having them separate allows for more room with rules and regulations and allows for every athlete to shine in their own way. There were several cheating scandals when they did allow intellectual impairment in Paralympic events, which goes to show even more why these two need to be separated. "Keeping Them Separate" As mentioned before, athletes with intellectual

Russia and Belarus Controversy

"IPC Values" When reading these articles I was very shocked about what was happening. When thinking about the Russian invasion on Ukraine and Belarus's assistance with the war, I did not think that this could affect their participation in sports such as the Paralympic Games. After reading the reasons as to why the IPC chose to ban Russia and Belarus from future Paralympic Games, I think it was the most reasonable thing to do in alignment with the IPC values. The governments of Russia and Belarus violated the Olympic Truce, which had a severe effect on the Paralympic Games and the larger Paralympic Movement. The IPC's key values, which include a dedication to political neutrality and impartiality and a belief in the transformative potential of sport, served as the Board's direction in determining what course of action to follow. I think this was the right decision because it aligned with their values. It is a harsh punishment, but it is one that was necessary to re